I ate too many oranges and got a cold @@ So I decided to use the remaining oranges to make a loaf of orange quick bread!!
For Bread:
2 cups All purpose flour
1/2 cup Powdered sugar
1 tbsp Baking powder
1/4 tsp Salt
1/2 cups Unsalted butter, melted, cooled
1/2 cup Chopped pecan
3/4 cup Orange juice
1 tbsp Grated orange zest
2 eggs, room temperature
3 to 4 slices of orange
For Glaze:
1 1/2 tbsp Orange juice
1/4 cup Sugar
For Glaze:
Mix the juice and sugar and heat until it becomes thick
For Bread:
1. Preheat oven to 350F/ 180C
2. Put the orange slices on a plate and microwave on high for 2 mins
3. In a large bowl, combine butter, sugar and salt, whisk in eggs, one at a time
4. Add orange juice and grated zest, mix well
5. Sift in flour and baking powder then gently stir the batter
6. Fold in pecans
7. Pour the batter into the prepared pan. Bake for 40 - 50 minutes until a skewer inserted into the center comes out clean.
8. Let the bread cool in the pan for 10 mins, then turn out onto a wire rack
9. Use a pastry brush to glaze over the top of the cooled bread, let it set for 10 minutes, then slice and serve.
中筋麵粉 2杯
糖粉 1/2杯
泡打粉 1大匙
鹽 1/4小匙
無鹽奶油 1/2杯
堅果 1/2杯
橘子果汁 3/4杯
橘子皮 1顆
蛋 2顆
9 in * 5in 模型一個
橘子汁 1 1/2 大匙
糖 1/4杯
1. 橘子汁和糖放到鍋中加熱,切片的橘子也一起放進去煮,直到橘子皮可以用叉子插入,果肉呈現半透明即可將橘子片拿出。(我偷懶沒有煮橘子片,只微波了兩分鐘,所以烤完邊邊有點焦)
2. 糖漿繼續煮直到有點濃稠即可。
1. 烤箱預熱350F/ 180C
2. 雞蛋回復到室溫,奶油加熱融化回到室溫
3. 將橘子果皮外層用磨果皮器取下,備用
4. 切三四片橘子,每片約5mm,剩下的榨成果汁
5. 取一鋼盆,混合奶油、糖和鹽,再一次加入一顆雞蛋混合均勻
6. 加入果汁和橘子皮,攪拌均勻
7. 麵粉和泡打粉過篩到盆中,輕輕混合(用切拌法比較不容易攪拌過度)
8. 使用刮刀將堅果混合到麵糊中
9. 當麵糊倒入模型,上面放煮好的橘子皮
10. 放入烤箱烤約50分鐘,表面呈金黃色,用牙籤插入取出沒有沾到麵糊就是烤熟了
11. 烤好後先放在模型中冷卻十分鐘,再取出放到烤架上放涼,用刷子在表面塗上一層橘子糖漿,等待十分鐘讓他定型就可以準備享用了!
The bread is very rich in orange flavor! A good choice for breakfast!